Cookie Policy

Effective date: May 25, 2018

This site, like many others, uses small files called cookies to help us customize your experience. Our sites use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our site. Due to recent changes in law, all websites who operate across certain parts of the European Union are required to obtain explicit consent when using or storing cookies (or similar technologies) on your computers or mobile device. This cookie policy provides you with clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and the purposes for using those cookies. Any reference to "sites" of Active includes our websites, devices, emails, mobile apps or other software. For more information on how we use your personal information, see our Privacy Policy

For further information about this policy, please contact:

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Safari) on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store things like user preference. You can think of cookies as providing a ‘memory’ for the website, so that it can recognize you when you come back and respond appropriately. Cookies allow a web server to transfer data to a computer for recordkeeping and other purposes.

What cookies do we use and why?

The cookies used on our site are categorized as follows:

1.Strictly necessary



Strictly Necessary

"Strictly Necessary" cookies let you move around the site and use essential features like secure areas and shopping baskets. Without these cookies, services you have asked for cannot be provided. Please note that these cookies do not gather any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you've been on the internet.

We use these Strictly Necessary cookies to:

1.Remember information you have entered on order forms when you navigate to different pages during a web browser session;

2.Remember the goods and services you ordered when you get to the checkout page;

3.Identify you as being logged in to our site;

4.Make sure you connect to the right service on our website when we make any changes to the way the site works;

5.To route users to specific applications of a service or specific servers.

Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the website, so if you prevent these cookies, you may not be able to use the site or its functionality, nor can we be certain that our site security controls will function properly or fully during your visit.


"Performance" cookies collect information about how you use our site (e.g., which pages you visit, and if you experience any errors). These cookies do not collect any information that could identify you and are used only to help us improve how our site works, understand what interests our users, and measure the effectiveness of our advertising.

We use Performance cookies for:

1.Web Analytics: To provide statistics on how our sites are used;

2.Ad Response Rates: To see how effective our advertisements are, including those pointing to our sites;

3.Affiliate Tracking: To provide feedback to partners that one of our visitors also visited their website. This can include details of any products purchased;

4.Error Management: To help us improve the site by measuring any errors that occur;

5.Testing Designs: To test different designs of our sites;

6.Content Management: To help optimize the delivery of certain media, such as video.

Some of our Performance cookies are managed for us by third parties. Where this is the case, we don't permit the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed above.

By using our site, you accept the use of "Performance" cookies. Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the site, so if you prevent them we cannot guarantee how the site will perform for you.


"Functionality" cookies are used to provide services or to remember settings to improve your visit.

We use Functionality cookies to:

1.Remember settings you've applied, such as layout, text size, preferences, and colors;

2.Remember if we've already asked you if you want to fill in a survey;

3.Show you when you're logged in to the site;

4.Remember volume settings when playing video.

Some of these cookies are managed for us by third parties. Where this is the case, we don't permit the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed above.

How a user can opt out of having cookies placed on their device(s)?

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon you visit our site. Blocking or deleting cookies will not prevent device identification and related data collection from occurring.

Blocking the browser's cookies will prevent cookies from measuring the relevance and effectiveness of our site/emails and advertising as well as the tailored advertising brought to you by our partners. You also may not be able to use all the interactive features of our site/emails if cookies are disabled.

Can I withdraw my consent?

Once you have given us your consent to the use of cookies, we shall store a cookie on your computer or device to remember this for next time. This will expire periodically. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, you will need to delete, then block, your cookies using your internet browser settings.

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