Data Recovery Software
How to purchase and activate Bitwar Data Recovery?
We offers 2 ways for users to purchase & activate Bitwar Data Recovery

1.Register an account in Bitwar Data Recovery and pay the membership fee with inside checkout center.
2.Register an account in Bitwar Data Recovery and activate by a license code.The license code can be purchased from our online store.

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Here we will show you how to activate the software step by step

Frist,Register an account and pay the membership with inside checkout center.

Step One,

Launch Bitwar Data Recovery,click “Purchase”,follow the tips to register an account.

How to register an account and pay the membership fee?

Step Two,

Select Annual Membership or Lifetime Membership and click “Buy Now”.

Step Three,

Select Paypal or Credit Card and click Buy,you will turn into Paypal check center or Bitwar Official checkout center.follow the tips to pay the fee.

Bitwar Data Recovery Payment Methods 

Once we received the payment from you,we will send you the confirmation email.Then your account is definitely has a VIP flag.

Bitwar Data Recovery VIP flag 

You can click the drop-down menu and select “My account” to check your VIP time limits.

Bitwar Data Recovery VIP time limits 

Secondary,Activate Bitwar Data Recovery with a license code

Once you bought a annual membership or lifetime membership from our online store,you will have a license code which we sent you by an email.Then you can activate Bitwar Data Recovery with this license code.

Step One,

Launch Bitwar Data Recovery,click “More” Menu,and select “Activate”.

Bitwar Data Recovery Activate with a license code 
Step Two

1,If you have an account already,just sign in the account and then there’s a license code window show up.
Simply enter the license code and activate.

2,If you don’t have an account,register the account by using your email address or login directly with Facebook,Twitter,Google+ account,
Once you registered the account,you will have a pop-up license code window,enter the license code and activate.

Step Three,

After activation,you will find your account with a VIP flag.

Bitwar Data Recovery VIP flag 

You can click the drop-down menu and select “My account” to check your VIP time limits.

Bitwar Data Recovery VIP time limits 

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