Data Recovery Software
How to reset password on Bitwar Data Recovery?

Sometimes we forgot the password or need to modify the password in an easy one,we can reset our password easily on Bitwar Data Recovery.

How to reset password on Bitwar Data Recovery?

Step One,

Launch Bitwar Data Recovery,and follow this GIF tutorial to find "Forgot your password".

How to reset password on Bitwar Data Recovery?

Step Two,

After you clicked "For your password",you will turn to a "Rest your password" Window,
You have to click "Obtain" to get a verification code,there's an email sending directly to your registered email address.

Note:The verification code email normally stays in your inbox,otherwise check Trash/Spam folder.

obtain the verifciation code to reset the password on bitwar data recovery

Step Three,

Simply login to your email and find the new email in your inbox,then copy the verification code in this window,the code normally contains 6 digits.e.g 123456

enter your new password and confirm password to reset your password.

After Reset,there's an pop window to inform you that "The password has been changed successfully".
You can now use the new password to login the software,if you forgot the new password next time,simply follow the above steps to reset your password again.

password changed successfully


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