Data Recovery Software
How can I recover deleted videos from laptop after shift+delete or emptied the Recycle Bin?
“I have many videos of my family saved in D partition, but today I wanna deleted three more of the videos those I don’t like, suddenly I checked some other videos together and Shift+Delete them all.After that I found I made a big mistake,but there’s no way to find the videos from my computer,I tried to Google and found your software.So here’s the question,how can I recover deleted videos from laptop after shift+delete?Please help me.Thanks.” 
This Question is not only from a user of us,but also a frequently asked question from mostly of the users during their daily life.
Generally speaking,there are 2 answers for“How can I recover deleted videos from laptop”.
First,Restore videos from Delete or right-click mouse and delete.
Windows operating system offers us a chance to restore the deleted videos from Recycle Bin.Sometimes we just deleted the videos directly with “Delete”keypad or Right-click the videos and select delete. In Windows 8 or 10,this action will put the videos into the Recycle Bin directly without an alert.Hence,we just enter the Recycle Bin and select the videos and click “Restore”,Then the videos can be restored to the original place.
Restore from Recycle Bin
What is shift+delete?
Use shift+delete keypad, it means you wanna delete the files directly instead of putting the files into the Recycle Bin,this way is same as to format the partition to have the videos disappeared from the screen.
Why the videos still can be recovered after shift+delete?
Although we couldn’t found the videos whether in Recycle Bin or the original place after “Shift+delete” from your laptop,but the videos still exist in your hard disk,the windows operating system just mark the spaces belong to these videos as free spaces and “Hide”the videos from your screen.So a data recovery software like Bitwar Data Recovery,it’s a powerful recover tool to find these deleted videos,and Bitwar Data Recovery it’s more like a wizard ,simply clear the “deleted” flag of the files and help you to access again with these files.
Reasons why some deleted videos cannot be recovered and how to prevent?
If you just copy or download some new videos into the place which contains your deleted videos,Windows system considers you no longer need the deleted videos any more,then these free spaces will be overwritten by new videos.After that,the deleted videos gone away forever.The best way to prevent these deleted videos being overwritten:Stop to copy,write or download new videos to the place which contains your deleted videos.
Secondary,There are 4 steps to recover deleted videos after shift+delete.
Step One,
We are having 6 videos saved in F partition,one day we deleted accidentally by Shift+delete,it’s OK!,Just launch Bitwar Data Recovery as soon as we can.Note:If you deleted the videos couple hours or even few days ago,the deleted videos may have been overwritten by some other data.That’s why we suggest you to launch the Bitwar Data Recovery to recover these deleted videos soonest as we can. 
Video recovery - F partition
Step Two,
After launch Bitwar Data Recovery,we should select F partition and hit NEXT button right away.And then choose Quick Scan as a data scan method,we simply suggest you to choose Quick Scan as the first time,if you cannot find the deleted videos you need,try Deep Scan for the next time.

Videos recovery- Select the partition
What’s the differences between Quick Scan and Deep Scan?
Quick Scan:It’s a fast and efficiency scan mode to find every files with delete flag from the volume you selected.Normally it contains the original file name,create time,file size,file path,etc.
Deep Scan:It will full check the file directories or indexes,even scan every of the cluster on the hard disk to find more files,normally deep scan spends more time than Quick Scan and will not display the file name of the deleted videos.Deep Scan always spend more time than Quick Scan,but it depends on how large capacity of your hard disk is.
Videos recovery - Quick Scan
Step Three,
Check Video option and hit Scan,Bitwar Data Recovery will scan the volume you selected right away.

Videos recovery - Check Video option
We can see the deleted videos or files showing up separately in “Details” window.We just need to wait some time until the scan process finished.Note:Bitwar Data Recovery offers pause  function which allows you to pause the process when you found you select wrong volume or need to operate the computer before scanning.
Video Recovery - Pause and Stop
Step Four,
Now,both of us can see the deleted videos in “Details” window,if we wanna preview these videos,simply double-click the video or turn to “Preview” Tab and click the one you like.

Videos recovery - preview the videos
A preview window pops up that informs you there’s no decoder to play this video.Don’t worry,Just click OK to download the decoder.
Video recovery - download decoder
After Download and install,the video can be played already.We can easily click “Recover” to restore these deleted videos.
Video Recovery - Preview
If we saved the deleted into a folder,e.g Family,then the software will inform you to Recover while maintain the original directory structure or Restore to same directory.
Video Recovery - Save to path
What’s the difference between Recover while maintaining the original directory structure and Restore to same directory?
Recover while maintaining the original directory structure means we will recover the deleted videos with the original folder name,e.g family. This function is better for data recovery,it can classify the videos with separately folder structure for sometimes we are having many files with folders need to recover.It also help to maintain your original folder name if you deleted whole folders directly.
Restore to same directory means restore the selected videos without original folder name and just save all deleted videos/files into one directory/folder.
IMPORTANT:Please do not recover the deleted videos to the same partition or drive to prevent data being overwritten.
Hence,here we can recover the deleted videos to D partition with “Recover while maintaining the original directory structure” function.This function can main our original “Family” folder name to save the deleted videos.

Video recovery -save to path
After saved the deleted videos to D partition,there’s a “Message” window to inform us:You have successfully recovered 6 files!Do you want to open the folder.Click “OK”.
Video Recovery - open folder
And now we can see all of the videos has been saved into “Family” folder.
Videos recovery - Videos Location
Let’s open one video to check whether is it OK to play or not.And of course,the video plays same as before.
Video Recovery -play
If you are still wondering how to recover deleted videos from a laptop after shift+deleted or hard to make a decision which software can be the right one to recover.I suggest you to read this article carefully and thoroughly.You’ll definitely have a conclusion to recover your deleted videos for sure with Bitwar Data Recovery,download right now:

Bitwar Data Recovery 6.36 download for pc
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